
Teacher: Ms. Li 李海英

Ms. Li has a B.S. from Beijing University, major in Mathematics. She holds a M.S. in Statistics from Stanford University. She is an experienced math teacher for many years. Singapore Math and AoPS are two of her favorite math textbooks. She has been teaching Singapore Math since she was in college. She loves math and is very passionate at teaching math, and has taught students at different levels from elementary to high school.

李老师从北京大学数学系以优异的成绩获学士学位后,就读于斯坦福大学统计系,获得统计系硕士学位。她一直热爱数学,挚爱数学教学,有多年数学教学经验,教过从小学到高中各个年级的孩子,以及小学初中的数学竞赛,包括 AMC,MathCounts 等。在教学上,她一向遵循“因材施教,循序渐进”的教学理念,有效地把数学基础教材和数学竞赛内容结合在一起。教学上注意深入浅出,概念讲解清晰,应用灵活。一直以来,她帮助了不同程度的学生建立对数学的自信心。

Math Courses

Ms. Li offers different levels of math courses:

Course Registration


If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Li at haiying_li1@yahoo.com or WeChat haiyingli88.